Thursday, July 1, 2010


For about a year now, RJ has been trying to get rid of whatever rodent we have that is tearing up our yard. He tried cayenne pepper, mole and gopher pellets, traps, worms, sulfur bombs and more traps. He had an exterminator come and after two visits, they determined that we had a gopher but admitted that they were not good at catching/killing gophers. RJ called around and apparently nobody in Albany can kill a gopher. He upped his efforts and it paid off! Yesterday, he walked in from work and with a giant grin on his face said, "The spoils go to the victor" and he threw his arms up in the air. I stood puzzled trying to figure out what he had won. Whas it an eating contest at work? Did he get one of the jobs he had applied for? When he told us that he killed that rotten gopher we were so happy for him. I grabbed the camera to capture evidence of his kill. It was like Christmas morning waiting for him to lead us out the door.
The trap had snapped and a dirty little claw was caught in the trigger.

The proud trapper!
This may be a business opportunity dear?

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