Friday, June 27, 2014

Father’s Day

Several months ago, I came up with a book idea that I wanted to do for Father’s Day.  The concept was that some children find out about a “Father of the Year” contest so they each vote for their dad explaining why they think he should win.  In the end, they all have the same dad.  The kids helped by posing for pictures and it all came together really well.



RJ wanted delux cinnamon rolls for breakfast and he actually got them all put together the night before.  He also invited the missionaries over for dinner and offered to make a crock pot dish.  I am afraid we were the ones who were spoiled!


He seemed to really enjoy the book.  Here are the lyrics:

“Father of the Year”

Father's Day was close now

The contest drawing near.

To vote which child's dad

Should win "Father of the Year."

Hunter grabbed a paper

and started right away

"Because he plays catch with me

and games I like to play."

McKenna also thought

Her dad should be the winner

He lets her eat dessert

before she eats her dinner!

Reagan boasted too

"My dad should surely win this.

He tells me that I'm beautiful

And seals it with a kiss."

He lets me cook beside him

And share food off his plate

He lets me have the biggest piece

And sometimes stay up late.

He watches princess movies

And makes me feel like one.

He paints my toes and fingers

With rainbow colors- so fun!

He tells me I bring joy

That he has never known.

He gives me polka dot dresses

That he himself has sewn.

He teaches me to build

And be safe with his tools

He trusts me to experiment

by following the rules.

He helps me practice piano

and teaches me to plant.

He pushes me to grow

And never says I can't.

He fixes up my bike

and teaches me to ride.

He sits out in the grass

so I can play outside.

He helps me to do puzzles

I put in the last piece

He makes me new pajamas-

and lets me pick the fleece.

He teaches me what's right

And forgives me all my wrongs

He rereads favorite stories

and makes up silly songs.

He listens to my day

until I'm out of stuff

He always tucks me in

And tells me I'm enough.

He brings my crafts to life

Indulging my ideas

even if it's messy

or interferes with his.

He plans our vacations

and makes us matching shirts,

He carries me when tired

and my feet begin to hurt.

He takes me camping with him

and builds a gorgeous fire

We roast the perfect mallows

and play night games ‘til we tire.

He shows me how to mend things

and make possessions last

He teaches me to save

and not spend money fast.

He takes me to the park

and lets me swing all day

My daddy is so patient

in each and every way

He comes to all my games

and cheers for me with pride

he tells me I don't have to win

as long as I have tried.

He makes my favorite popcorn

and helps me with bake sales

he lets me try again

when my business venture fails.

He makes me special movies

of when I was so small

to pictures and to music

I watch myself grow tall.

He shows me how to work

and teaches me to serve.

He’s good at all he does.

He’s more than I deserve.

He laughs at all my jokes

and is hardly ever mad.

That is why I vote

for my one and only dad.

He signs me up for dance.

He lets me lick the spoon.

There is not a better dad

from here until the moon!

The children all reached home

their hearts about to burst,

they fought about which one of them

would get to hug him first.

We voted for you dad

they gleefully conceded

No kids exist more loved than us

our wants are all exceeded.

Their daddy smiled down

"If it weren't for you, I fear

I could never be considered

for father of the year."

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