Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Baby Girl Reeve

Check-in time was 9:30 am, so we snapped some pictures before taking off. I was not allowed to wear contacts, so I have my glasses on for the first two days of pictures which I regret.

I was wishing I could have been in RJ's shoes. He was just along for the ride and knew he would have a baby girl in a matter of two hours.

Hunter and McKenna were excited to finally see if in fact there was a baby in my belly.

It was a blessing to have mom come out to be with the kids so that RJ could be with me.

I am very happy with the new OB I found here in Minnesota. Her name is Taryn McEvoy. I did however have a horrible dream the night before in which I discovered that Dr. McEvoy didn't know how to perform a c-section. I was then referred to a male doctor who took me into a surgical suite with bones on the floor and mucus membranes on the tables. I woke up and thought that maybe I should check with Taryn and make sure she had done this surgery before. It turns out that she has done several hundred. Phew!
I was really impressed with the hospital staff and how friendly they were to me and each other. They explained every step of the way to me and tried to make me as comfortable as possible. I didn't really realize that the surgery had started until I was told that there would be a lot of pressure from the doctor pushing on the top of my uterus. I heard something about lots of dark hair (at which point RJ questioned my fidelity). Then came a reassuring announcment- big cheeks (he knew she was ours). I heard something about another chin, a big girl and the number 9. Wow, nine pounds? I thought. It turned out that she was 7 lbs 9 oz, 19 inches long. She was born at 11:53 am and started screaming immediately.

I was so relieved to see her nice pink color and hear her beautiful strong lungs.

I had an oxygen tube in my nose. Combine that with my funny hat and glasses and I look a mess.
Looking at my new baby girl seemed unreal. I couldn't believe that 9 months had come and gone. I couldn't believe that she was here. I couldn't believe that she was mine and I got to take her home.

After they took her away and began putting me back together, I felt super sick to my stomach. Thankfully, the nurse anesthetist, was aware of this side effect and shot something into my IV that eventually took that aweful feeling away. When they were finally finished, there was a big to do about taking me to the first floor of the hospital to recover for an hour. Apparently I wouldn't be able to be with the baby or RJ during that time. My OB duked it out for me and was able to get me straight to my room to be with RJ and baby.

When I first looked at her, I didn't think that she looked like Hunter or McKenna. I have since called her McKenna on more than one ocassion.

After my one hour recovery period, Grandma brought Hunter and McKenna.

They were so excited to hold her and wanted to pass her around like a hot potatoe.

I had forgotten just how much babies slept.

It was hard to keep calling her baby Reeve. Throughout the end of my pregnancy, when I would feel her move, I would say, "Hi Sidney. Hi Reagan. Good morning baby." I was sick of having a nameless child. I knew the nurse would soon be coming to fill out information for the birth certificate. I also wanted to get going with her baby book. When the kids came and I asked them what we should call her, Hunter started calling her Reagan. I talked with RJ when they left to find out why Sidney was important to him. He said that it made him think of Sidney Australia and adventure. He didn't seem too passionate about naming her Sidney. I don't think she necessarily looked like either name but I figured whatever we named her would grow on her. Finally I said, "Are you okay with Reagan?" I really didn't want it to be a win-lose situation. He assured me that he was happy with it and Reagan Jerusha Reeve was finally named! A few people have already asked if it was pronounced Ree-gan or Rae-gan. I thought it would be clear having had a president with the last name Reagan pronounced and spelled the same way but apparently she will have to correct people for the rest of her life. Sorry baby.

My precious girls

The adorable "O" face that Hunter used to make.

I love her hair!


  1. I've been thinking about you all week, wondering how things went. Congratulations, she's beautiful - and you look fabulous!
