In September, we had a ragnar reunion/birthday get together for Wendy at Anita’s cabin. Terra surprised me and did a pamper the mother Navaho blessing ritual. She had red yarn that we tossed to each other in a circle and shared stories of strong women in our lives. When she cut the yarn, we all had to wrap it around our wrists and tie it. We were asked to wear it until I went to the hospital to deliver the baby. It was a long 2 months and RJ was probably more excited to take scissors to it than I was. I was impressed with the other women who wore it the whole time just for me. I’m not sure I could have done the same.

I woke up Friday morning (the 28th) and walked 30 minutes on the treadmill as usual. I knew it would be my last chance to exercise for several weeks. We did a little bit of online black Friday shopping. RJ got so distracted by a puzzle, we were almost late to the hospital. I wanted some family pictures before departing but this is what we got. Reagan throwing a tantrum about something but I can’t even remember what.

I was nervous about the IV and spinal because I hate needles. They both went fine but the nurse had to bust through a valve with the IV. That was unpleasant. I felt very nauseous as I lay on the operating table watching my blood pressure dip to 50/22 at one point. RJ even had a harder time watching the operation. He must be getting soft in his old age. When Taryn pulled Ryder out, she held him up over the curtain so I could see him. It actually became real at that moment. Up until then, I had difficulty imagining him coming and I prayed that it wasn’t because something bad would happen. I saw his wavy hair covered head and his beautiful pink skin. He looked absolutely perfect. That is the only way I could describe him for several days… PERFECT.
He was born at 12:55 p.m., weighed 7 lbs. 15 oz. and was 19 1/2 inches long.
I was sure he would be bigger. He’s such a little peanut.

I love my doctor Taryn McEvoy
RJ felt the baby should be named right away. When we found out we were pregnant, I told RJ he could have naming rights since I basically got to name the other children (with his consent) and we knew this was our last. He came to the hospital thinking he would name him Ryder or Darius. Grandma Morrison had heard the name Ryder and thought that would go good with our other kids’ names. Before being wheeled into the operating room, he was torn between Gunnar and Ryder. He chose Ryder Joseph. We love the name Joseph because of the story of Joseph from the Bible. He was forgiving, obedient, had moral courage, and was a leader.

Reed and Pam both got a cold so they couldn’t come to the hospital. The kids were all very excited.

RJ brought me these lovely yellow roses.

On Saturday, Cheryl came and brought two homemade burp rags and an adorable little gray onsie with “suspenders”.
Wendy and Terra came later with hot chocolate, melt in your mouth lemon pound cake, chap sticks, face masks, and a fuzzy brown snow suit.

RJ came once or twice and brought Hunter in the evening. It was nice being taken care of in the hospital. It’s the only time in my life that I have been able to sleep at will. Otherwise, I struggle taking naps and falling asleep at night.
RJ came around 11 on Monday to take us home. Ryder had a little bit of jaundice but not enough to be of concern.

Cheryl gave him this outfit at the baby shower.

Ryder slept 5 hours two nights in a row and I had to wake him up because I was about to burst! Unfortunately, he hasn’t done it since.
Reagan helped me with his first sponge bath.

Grandma Reeve taught the kids how to do origami. She played Ticket to Ride with Reagan, took Hunter and McKenna to school and did all the house work. I really appreciate all the work that she did.