Friday, July 13, 2012

The Solar System

We had a fun week putting together a solar system and taking a field trip to a planetarium.
We spray painted a diaper box black.

We divided up the planets and painted and glitter glued them.  The kids felt bad for pluto for getting kicked out as a planet in the solar system.  We learned that Pluto was named by an 11 year old girl who told her dad that they should name it after the God of the underworld. 

Hunter wrote a report and presented it to RJ after work at the end of the week. 

We went to the planetarium at the Bell Museum to visualize all that we had learned.  There was a really cool 3-D feel as we zoomed toward or away from earth.  Unfortunately, the student presenting the show was more interested in demonstrating his vast knowledge of other galaxies.  It was way over my head even.  Consequently, McKenna was bored to tears and boy did she let me know!  Our struggle left a bad taste in my mouth for what was supposed to be the culmination of a great week.

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