We were very excited about our trip to Utah for the Reeve family reunion. We packed a small gift in each kids' carry on as well as some fun snacks. We left Saturday afternoon and arrived 12 hours later. RJ was super dad and took all the kids on the first flight which was the longest. We flew into Las Vegas, got our rental car, ate dinner and headed to Hurricane. We assumed that the children would all fall asleep from exhaustion but we were wrong! We were stuck on "the strip" for about an hour and the kids (Hunter and McKenna) were fighting and whining every second of it. RJ and I almost lost our minds. I contemplated walking to Hurricane or stepping out in front of another car and saving myself the walk. Finally, we decided to brake the law before we broke their necks and I switched places with Hunter, leaned the seat back and let McKenna ride without her booster so she could lean on me. Miraculously, we arrived.

Sunday, we walked to one of the three (or was it four) churches in a one mile radius. We (mostly me) spent a fun afternoon with the Newcomb family who came down for the weekend. It is always so fun and comfortable to be with them. I feel bad that I didn't take any pictures. Reed wanted a picture with all of the grandkids before he went in for sugery on his nose (to remove some cancer) the next day.
Jack and Reagan munching on green apples
These pictures are out of order. I have had major issues with this new set up. On the last evening of the reunion, we went to a pool (Pam and Reed rented it just for our famiy). We ate pizza and had a splashin' good time. RJ has a fear of jumping from high places but he faced his fear and jumped off the high dive.
Each family prepared a puppet show. We did a modified rendition of "Little Bunny Foo Foo."
Friday morning was picture day. I was really looking forward to getting some great pics. I stole Kathryn's color scheme and found some great duds at a second hand store called "Once Upon A Child." Poor Reagan went to bed and woke up with a fever. She was not at all in the mood to say "cheese" but I was able to bribe her with this fruit snack.
This was our best family picture but we are all looking at the wrong camera.
Here are Pam and Reed with their biological children. Robert is on a mission in Johanessburg South Africa and Peter is in the Army.
Here we all are!
The boys have been jealous of our "sister day" for a while. Burt decided to take the reigns and head up a boys day. He decided to include the younger boys and go fishing. Unfortunately. Monday's work day mishap prevented him from going. Steve and Shan were not able to come to the reunion at all and Kevin wasn't able to go. RJ ended up taking the boys fishing and out to lunch. They caught all kinds of tiny fish and were pleased as punch. In fact, they wanted to go again and RJ abliged. Hunter caught a 15 incher the second day.
Thomas, Colt, Hunter, Ruger
While the boys were out, we had a party of our own. Kathryn made a water blob that the kids jumped and slid on. She also hosted a tea party and had the girls make heart shaped cupcakes, paint their fingernails and dress up. What a fun aunt!
Queen Kathryn making a toast.
Grandma set up a comfy story time.
Tuesday morning was our temple day. We got up at 4:50 a.m. and attended the 6 a.m. session. It was special to return to the temple that changed our lives. I peeked in the sealing room and got a little emotional as I remembered that day. It was neat to be there with so many members of the family. It would not have been possible without Julia, Andria and Lydia. They were amazingly helpful with all the kids all week. Thanks girls!
Reagan liked sitting in this little excersaucer. When she wanted to move, she just picked it up and started walking with it.
We had a weinie roast in the back yard.
We had a few seminars, a family home evening, and a tribute to our ancestors. Amanda and DeAnna did a fabulous job creating videos, music and stories. RJ did a seminar on loving our neighbor. Grandma Poulson came down from Cedar City to hear him. I'm so glad we got to see her. Amanda and Pam did a Spark People seminar. They have been extremely successful on this weightloss program and shared some great ideas and recipes.
While we did sister day, the men had the kids put together a perfomance. I must say that Oktavia is an amazing little actress.
Lori was in charge of sister day. She led us in a water aerobics class. We tried to scan some pictures for a book for Pam but ran into technological difficulites. Pam treated us to lunch at the Olive Garden and we had a great time. (Pam, Me, Amanda, Lori, Kathryn)
(Shannon, Linda, Julia, DeAnna)
Work projects- create a path to the porch our of stone and build a covering for the hay. The men worked on the covering and ended up cracking a water line which kept them busy the rest of the week.
We also made homemade sourkraut. We put it in the basement and I forgot about it. Whenever I went down there, it smelled like a dirty diaper and I kept looking around to see if I left one of Reagan's. Eventually I found the true culprit- the sourkraut!
So much work went into planning the reunion and we had a wonderful time. We can't wait 'til 2014!