It has been a lot of fun watching Hunter play soccer this year. He has really come out of his shell and shone on the field. Here he is scoring one of his many goals. He averaged about 5 goals/ game.

Ra-Ra number 8!

His coach (Avery) was pretty hard core. He threw more than one boy out of the game, made them run laps for not paying attention, and held extra Saturday practices to give their team an edge. Fortunately, Hunter was always very focused and obedient so he never got in trouble with the coach.

At the end of the year party/awards ceremony, Avery game every boy a special certificate. He called Hunter up last and said, "I don't usually do this, single one boy out, but we would like to present Hunter with the Most Valuable Player award, what with his 75 goals and all." I was very proud of Hunter not just for scoring a lot of goals but for always playing his hardest and for improving so much since he last played.
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