I'm so lucky that my kids don't require much pomp on their birthdays. RJ went to Georgia the week of Hunter's birthday so we celebrated on Sunday when he could join us.

Hunter picked out a chocolate cake and vanilla confetti frosting.

A card from Granma/pa Morrison with a little somethin' inside.

He was pumped to get a $5 bill. He has actually asked for a Target gift card for Christmas.

RJ and I planned on hitting up the store to pick up his birthday gifts on Saturday but one of the 10 worst storms to hit Minnesota kept us indoors. Church was even cancelled. Thankfully, we had a couple "Christmas" gifts as back-up.

Battleship- a classic.

Evidence of RJ's wrapping paper conservation project.

A laser tag like game. Hunter and McKenna have had fun shooting each other up.

Six years old buddy!

He preferred the presents before the cake. Don't judge my cake. It tasted good despite its looks.

I hope your wish comes true pal unless it's for a puppy.
Hunter's actual birthday was on Tuesday. I made apple cinnamon pancakes and sausage for breakfast. We went to Famous Dave's for dinner. With two awesome coupons, we all stuffed ourselves including a flaming firework dessert for only $4.60. What a deal! I made Hunter a coupon book (TV time, stay up time, games with mom time etc) and we watched the Biggest Loser finale together. Grandma/pa Reeve sent a kids sudoku book. It was a fun day.