Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Caramel Apples Plus!

I have been trying to come up with our own fun family traditions. I have discovered that most of my ideas revolve around food. Sunday, we pulled together as a team and created delicious caramel apples.

McKenna washed the apples (a few times to have an excuse to play in the water).

Hunter and I helped take the wrappers off the caramels to put into daddy's special caramel sauce.

RJ double coated the apples with caramel

I drizzled them with chocolate, reces pieces and broken snicker bars. This is the way to eat an apple!


  1. Please don't tell me that R.J. is wearing pink pj bottoms!! Great idea to start traditions that will last. I love caramel apples!! Wish I was there to enjoy it with you guys. Happy Halloween.

  2. you're having too much fun without us!
