Monday, October 25, 2010

Fun Family Excursions

We went to the park near the Como Zoo, had a picnic then walked through the conservatory.
Hunter covered in cheetoes' cheese.
I had to take a picture because he hates to have dirty fingers and food on his face. I know. I know. It doesn't look like he is in agony in this picture.

There was a little discovery type room next to the conservatory. Here they are learning about the recycling of water. Maybe they aren't learning anything except for the fact that it is fun to get wet! They squeeled so loud every time they made it rain by cranking a wheel.

We also went to the Children's Museum in St. Paul.
There was so much to see and do. We had a fun time but were ready to go home by the end of the day.

Hunter catching a big one!

There was a spook alley where the kids climbed through ant tunnels, spider webs and fog.

They got to dress up in different rooms. Here they are in little ranger vests by a pretend fire.

We learned about astronauts and how they have to strap themselves to a toilet. They also have to exercise 2 hours a day to keep their bones and muscles from deteriorating without the force of gravity.

There was a cute little mock town. It had a bus, doctor's office, post office, restraunt, grocery store and dress-up corner. I love this picture of Hunter as a fireman.

Minnetonka Apple Orchard
Apple orchards are big in Minnesota. We had a lot of fun at our first apple orchard ever.
We picked apples and with the help of Cammie, made homemade applesauce.

Minnesota's best apple is the Honey Crisp apple. It is so good!

Hunter, McKenna and Abby ready to climb the hay stack.

Hunter is king of the mountain.

Riding on the fun train with Hunter as conductor.

Cute little Kenna

The Como Zoo
It's a free zoo that accepts donations. We really enjoyed seeing all of the animals, going on the rides (at an adjacent carnival-like place) and eating out for lunch. What a fun day!

The kids' favorite part of the zoo was the orangatans. Here's the cute baby oragatan.

The kids tried to balance on one foot like the flamingoes.

The turtle whisperers.

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