President's Day on Mt. Hood

Last year, we bought snow gear for everyone but never did go sledding. We were determined to go this year no matter what! We were able to coordinate with Matt and Beth and Matt and Carda which made it even more fun. Dad even came with his trusty steed- Zip. Hunter and McKenna were so excited about our special snow day. We kicked it off with breakfast at Cork's Donuts. They have the biggest, yummiest apple fritters. In case you didn't know, I LOVE donuts. I only get them about once a year though.

Carter, Bailey, Paige, Hayden, McKenna, Hunter, Grandpa and Madalyn
Good Times!

RJ read this pamphet (that was lying around our friend's house) about becoming a good kisser. Your suppose to stare into each others eyes for a number of seconds before kissing and drink in each other's essense. Here we are getting drunk on essense (and trying to keep a straight face).

Hunter was so brave. He headed straight for those trees all my himself! Fortunately, with the shape of the hill as it was, he hooked left before hitting the trees. Not everyone lucked out with the hooking action though.

McKenna had a traumatizing experience her first time down. RJ took her down the steeper side of the hill on a double sled with her in the front. I'm glad I didn't see but apparently she was airborne for a minute. When I came to get her and take her down the little hill, she was kicking and shaking her head "no." We got her to go down the little hill twice but she covered her face and burried her head. She was done after that.

After a few hours, we took a lunch break. Thanks to Beth's experience and coordination, we had chili, hot dogs, hot chocolate, fritos, and several pans of dessert (brownies, cookies, seven layer bars and more brownies).

McKenna was so cute in her bibs. Don't ask me why she is not wearing shoes?

Our sledding spot before lunch was fun but it was nerve racking trying to dodge the trees. Plus I saw a much bigger hill out yonder without trees that I wanted to check out. After lunch, both Matt's, RJ and I hiked for what seemed like forever to get to that hill. Thanks Beth and Carda for watching my kiddos so I could be irresponsible!

Matt N. holding on for dear life

Matt M. gaining speed

RJ had the best run by far! He took off from the top of the mountain and hit a jump (unintentionally). He caught so much air, we all stared with gaping mouths. At the bottom of the hill there were a few more bumps and he caught some more air and slid into a group of onlookers who had set up camp in what they thought was a safe spot. Unfortunately, I did not capture that run on camera.
Oh Yeah!!! Fun Fun Fun. My only regret is that I didn't tell you how much I lover Cork's donuts and that I should have had you bring a dozen before we took on this sledding adventure. Thanks for coming! WE love you all.