We have been going on overnight get aways with the deSully's for three years now. We decided that from now on we will take turns planning our big rendezvous. Chuck and Theresa took the reigns this year and planned a ski trip. They did awesome!

We made sure to stay in a "nicer" hotel than we normally would with a king size bed, pool, hot tub, hot breakfast etc. Of course we didn't end up using half the stuff but oh well. We went out to dinner at an Italian restaraunt (Corino's) followed by bowling, ice cream and a movie (Sherlock Holmes).

RJ and Theresa had never ever set foot in skis. I went skiing 13 years ago and my date (Jamie Hammond) took me to the ski lift and I had no clue what I was doing. He was pretty patient with me and we took about an hour to decend. I continued to go down but felt completely out of control and found myself flying down the mountain with no way to stop but to dive to the ground. We decided we would take lessons this time around.
We went to Mt. Bachelor. It was a really foggy day. All we could see as we walked through the parking lot was clouds of white. We were also very intimidated by the number of cars which meant more people on the slopes.

Theresa and our instructor Teresa hip thrusting.
It was good to take the lessons but it did not prepare us for the steep grade of the top of the mountain (the top of the mountain meaning the top of the shortest lift and easiest run).
I at least felt like I had the tools I needed to make it down safely. I'm proud to say I didn't fall once and had a great time. RJ's story is a little different than mine. He still didn't feel like he had the whole "wedge" or "pizza" idea down when he decided to go up the ski lift. He flew down the mountain out of control and going backwards half the time heading for a pole. After falling several times before making it half way down he said he was done, took off his skis and walked the rest of the way. I was really bummed that the day would be ruined. We went inside the lodge for a little bit to rest our feet. I didn't think RJ would put his boots back on but money is a powerful motivator. "I paid $90, let's all go down again." He said. I admit, I wasn't very supportive of the idea. I told him he didn't have to prove anything and I was really worried about him hurting himself or someone else. He assured me that he would be fine. Each time he went, he fell less and less and finally made it down without falling once! I was so proud of him for keeping with it and if I'm not mistaken, he's willing to go again someday.