McKenna decided to do a spa birthday this year. She called it the “Fancy Cider Spa”. She stamped invitations and was so excited about putting together goodie bags filled with custom designed water bottles, headbands, nail polish, lip gloss, homemade bath salts, chocolate and a wash cloth. Nathan’s bag had chap stick, combs, and clippers.
I made a poster board outlining the services the girls would receive. I was really looking forward to a fun evening with McKenna and her friends.

Instead of purchasing a bin for each child to do a foot bath, I brought in the kiddie pool and filled it with hot water about an hour before the party. After 30 minutes of filling it with 2 QT containers, I noticed a leak! Thankfully RJ came home with pizza in hand and patched up the broken foot bath.

I made McKenna a strawberry cake with pink vanilla frosting. I stamped a giant white ribbon to wrap around it but the frosting shown through on the edges. I wrapped some beads around the top and bottom. After cleaning off some of McKenna’s play beauty stuff, I stuck them in the top. She was happy with it and I was satisfied.

When her friends first arrived (because it was the dinner hour), they sat down for some fruit kabobs, ham and cheese kabobs, veggie kabobs, pickles and olives. After all that chopping and spearing, they sure didn’t eat much!

Our first activity was facials. I made a yogurt mask with oatmeal, yogurt and honey. Some kids were more adventurous than others.

Our second activity was called “Pass the Polish.” Everyone started with a different color of polish and when the music started, they passed it to the person on their left. When Hunter stopped the music, they painted their first finger with the color in front of them. We continued until 7 fingers were done. McKenna said she was done with that game and half of her friends were ready to quit as well. I told them to pick their favorite color and finish up their nails. I was going to give Nathan the option of painting my nails but he had no problem painting his! He was such a good sport.

Our foot bath was cold by the time we got there. The kids didn’t seem to mind since they were sipping and toasting with apple cider.

Up until McKenna’s party, RJ was leery of the next game, “Put the Lipstick on the Daddy”. However, he was all in when the time came. “Give them the red lipstick” he said. I blind folded and spun the kids. They squealed and giggled like crazy after each person’s turn. They decided it was more hilarious to try to get it in his eye and draw on his face than to actually plant it on his lips. We even hung a prize (press on nails) over their heads if they could paint his pout.

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RJ and I were ready for a nap but it was time for cake and ice cream followed by presents. I was going to have the kids make their own bath salts but we were running out of time and my confidence in some of their abilities was waning so I put them together with epsom salt, sea salt, essential oils (their choice of peppermint, lavender or lemon) and food coloring.
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McKenna got a lot of nice presents from her friends (mostly crafty things which are right up her ally). In a final attempt to break my back, all the children tore tissue paper up into small pieces and threw it around the living room! What a mess. I am seriously thinking I will just take McKenna shopping or something simple next year!
Aunt Amanda got in late Friday night and gave McKenna a gift in the morning. She made her a princess pillow case and super soft blanket. McKenna told her that it was her favorite present ever! She also made Reagan an Ariel dress. We went to JoAnn Fabrics the next day and Hunter got to pick out material for a blanket. Amanda ordered him some Oregon Duck fleece with a super soft black backing. It’s fun to have Amanda visit.

McKenna got the game Fibber from one of her friends. I got a kick out of watching them play.

Amanda asked if I would highlight her hair. I tried to hone in my inner Beth and I was really happy with how it turned out.

RJ and Hunter spent their free time on a busy Saturday changing Amanda’s breaks and rotors.

McKenna was so anxious to open her presents from us. I did wonder after her Friday party why we even did more. She opened cards from Grandparents then the three gifts we got for her (Our Generation Doll, Our Generation spa set and caboodle).

Finally, I heard the words I had been waiting for… “thanks mom. You’re the best!”
RJ made a caramel apple pie and we had chocolate chip pancakes, sausage, eggs and hash browns for dinner.

We love our McKenna!