Since we have been married, RJ and I have had adult Halloween parties (some better than others). However, our first year here, we were invited to one and the second year, we were in the hospital with Reagan. We decided to rekindle the tradition this year. I spent hours coming up with (10) activities and clues for this years Amazingly Scary Race. We invited at least 15 couples and hoped that 8 would show to make 4 teams of 4. I started to stress out after our 8 committed couples dwindled to 6 then 5. We got the party started anyway and everyone had a great time even though I messed up the mileage on the second clue!

In this detour, Bob Kochenderfer is counting popcorn kernels while Colter has chosen to carve a pumpkin.

Each person had to dress up in at least four items and go trick-or-treating to a predetermined house (the first counselor in the bishopric).

(Michael & Stephanie Flint, Jessica & Shea Allred)

(Krystal & Adam Larsen- on the ends, Bob & Lynette Kochenderfer, Misti & Chris Jackson)

(Karina & Michael Tew- on the ends, Laura & Colter Gerrard)

In another detour, Jessica (above) chose to eat the donut (since she almost drowned the last time she bobbed for apples) while the other two teams bobbed for apples. They were so fast, I didn’t get their pictures.
Below, the teams are mummifying a teammate.

The winning team- The Fantastic Four! The prize was 5 hours of unswappable babysitting or homemade cinnamon rolls per RJ and my cooking class.

It was really fun to watch the teams get into it. Some were more competitive than others but it was a riot. We hung out until midnight snacking and visiting.
Time to start thinking about next year!