Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Beauty and the Beast

I took McKenna to see Beauty and the Beast (in concert with costumes).  They did the whole story line using small props occasionally.  Gaston was great but the beasts' acting and singing were truly scary.  I didn't think we should have had to pay more than $5 for the tickets but McKenna had fun even though she got wiggly at the end.

 We met up with our friends Karla and Camie.  (Camie is super shy).
McKenna wanted to take a picture of me.  I'm surprised she got my whole head in the photo.
Our special date

We went to a fun frozen yogurt place and made a sundae to share.  I let McKenna eat all the marshmallows and gummy bears.  So yummy!

Father/Son Campout

Hunter loves the father/son campouts and RJ loves Hunter.  We will be going to Utah for our wards' campout, so RJ and Hunter joined the Weaver Lake Ward for the night.  I bought them a Little Caesar's pizza and packed a dinner with carrots, grapes, cheetos, rootbeer and cookies.

RJ got tired when it got dark so he gave Hunter the flash light and showed him where the bathroom and tent were.  Hunter had a BLAST playing "night games" until midnight! 
Around 5 a.m., Hunter heard kids talking and asked RJ if he could go play some more.  RJ convinced him to sleep for a couple more hours.
It looks like he needed a couple more.
Back in action.

McKenna, Reagan and I ate dinner with the Hillyards and watched a movie.  We slept great!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

RJ got up with Reagan and started making me breakfast in bed.  I didn't know that I was suppose to stay in bed and we have 9 a.m. church so I got up and started getting ready.  RJ made me banana walnut pancakes, sausages and bought me fresh orange juice.  I whipped together some scrambled eggs knowing that the kids like them and they might not fill up on as much sugary syrup.  Hunter made me some cleaning coupons and a cute fill in the blank about your mom worksheet from school.  According to Hunter, I am 75 pounds and 20 feet tall.  For future reference, I will also include the line that says, "I know my mom is smart because she... nos eveing in the wrld."  RJ bought me a glass blender.

                                                    Hunter wanted to make funny faces.
Yummy breakfast.  Thanks daddy!  The rest of the day was pretty much like any other Sunday.  I taught the miamaids, picked up the house, loaded the dishes, got frustrated with the kids etc.  RJ grilled some special salmon fillets for dinner but the kids hate fish and didn't hide it one bit.  I guess it's asking too much to have two enjoyable meals in one day.  If I wasn't a mother, I wouldn't enjoy a quiet meal, listening to the music I choose in the car, loading the dish washer in 10 minutes, an uninterrupted nights' sleep, a long (8 minute) shower, starting and finishing a chapter in a book without any rereading, or seeing a frog in a parking lot (side story- after volleyball one night, we walked out to Stephanie's car and I saw something move.  "Hey guys, there's a frog!"  I said excitedly.  "Oh" they replied as they climbed in the car.)  What I love most about being a mom is seeing my children laugh, play nice together, learn something new, seeing RJ as a dad, sleep, sing, excel at something, express love to me and others, make good choices, their innocence, cute voices, and excitement for simple things.  I love you Hunter, McKenna and Reagan.  Thank you RJ. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Hot Trotters

I wanted to find a race to help me stay motivated to keep exercising when I stumbled upon a half marathon relay.  I thought it would be perfect for RJ and I.  It was a race we could do together at our own pace.  I had to pick a team name and chose "The Hot Trotters."  RJ said that it made him think about pigs.  I instantly regretted the name but we kept it anyway. 

RJ is not a fan of running so I give him major bonus points for agreeing to participate in and fund this run.  We ran a few times a week but didn't follow a strict training program so though we finished, our bodies sure felt their age.

Getting our stretch on
There were three different races going on that morning (half marathon, half marathon relay and a 5 K).  RJ and I watched the half marathoner's take off.  Since I was running the second half of the leg, I had to check in at the flag pole for the bus ride to the transition area.  The woman in charge told us to head to the parking lot to load up.  "Don't we get to watch our partner start?"  I asked with my camera at the ready.  "They left 10 minutes ago."  She said.  My heart sank as my eyes darted around looking for RJ mingled with the 5 K-ers getting ready to start (from a different start line).  I didn't want to miss my bus and I knew RJ would figure it out.  I felt sick the whole morning though.  RJ noticed there was a difference in the color of the number on his bib.  He started running and asked someone which signs to follow.  He saw a man moving the arrows pointing the way and told him to wait.  The man said that he was following the runners and the last person was in front of him.  RJ corrected the man and assured him that he was the last person.  He ran hard to catch up and got blisters on both of his feet.  I didn't know if he would be angry when he saw me for making him do this or relieved that it was over.

I'll say....relieved. 
I'm proud of him for running the longest distance he ever has (6.2 miles).  He gave me his timing chip from around his ankle and gave me an encouraging "have fun."  I had feminine issues that kept my mind preoccupied for 6.9 miles.  The fun part was that nobody passed me.  I was the one in the "left lane."
Here I am after my sprint finish.  The sad thing is that I don't know what our time was.  I know it was under 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Finish What You Start

During spring break, I tried to do some fun crafts and activities with the kids.  One of them was from an Explore & Learn book RJ and I purchased last year.  We made these fruit out of newspaper, glue and paint.  Then we weaved baskets to put it in.  Originally, we tried to make a paper mache bowl to go with it, but the newspaper stuck to the mold so we weaved plan "B".  It was a long process and the kids pooped out after the first or second coat of paint.  I held onto everything with a determination to make them finish what they started.  After weeks of looking at the fruit on the counter, I told them we could pass on the extra coats of paint but to do some detailing so we could take pictures and I could clear off my counter.

 Hunter made an orange, strawberries, banana and a pear.
McKenna chose blueberries, a mango and a banana.