RJ got up with Reagan and started making me breakfast in bed. I didn't know that I was suppose to stay in bed and we have 9 a.m. church so I got up and started getting ready. RJ made me banana walnut pancakes, sausages and bought me fresh orange juice. I whipped together some scrambled eggs knowing that the kids like them and they might not fill up on as much sugary syrup. Hunter made me some cleaning coupons and a cute fill in the blank about your mom worksheet from school. According to Hunter, I am 75 pounds and 20 feet tall. For future reference, I will also include the line that says, "I know my mom is smart because she... nos eveing in the wrld." RJ bought me a glass blender.
Hunter wanted to make funny faces.

Yummy breakfast. Thanks daddy! The rest of the day was pretty much like any other Sunday. I taught the miamaids, picked up the house, loaded the dishes, got frustrated with the kids etc. RJ grilled some special salmon fillets for dinner but the kids hate fish and didn't hide it one bit. I guess it's asking too much to have two enjoyable meals in one day. If I wasn't a mother, I wouldn't enjoy a quiet meal, listening to the music I choose in the car, loading the dish washer in 10 minutes, an uninterrupted nights' sleep, a long (8 minute) shower, starting and finishing a chapter in a book without any rereading, or seeing a frog in a parking lot (side story- after volleyball one night, we walked out to Stephanie's car and I saw something move. "Hey guys, there's a frog!" I said excitedly. "Oh" they replied as they climbed in the car.) What I love most about being a mom is seeing my children laugh, play nice together, learn something new, seeing RJ as a dad, sleep, sing, excel at something, express love to me and others, make good choices, their innocence, cute voices, and excitement for simple things. I love you Hunter, McKenna and Reagan. Thank you RJ.