We spent Christmas Eve with the Rowley's. We ate yummy food, played games and laughed a lot. When we got home, the kids got to open their present from grandma and grandpa Morrison. Then we read Luke 2 and put them to bed.

Is it wrong of me to love this picture?
I warned the kids that if they woke up in the night and had to go potty they would have to go back to bed 'til morning. I figured any time after 6:30 a.m. would be accepable. RJ set the alarm for 6:30 so he could turn on the fogger. He wanted to create a low lying fog that skimmed the ground making the tree and presents float on a "cloud." He was pretty excited about his clever idea.
Hunter woke up at 6:58, went to the bathroom and went back to bed. McKenna got up at 7:15 a.m. and layed in bed with us making a few trip back to her room to try to get Hunter up. At 7:45, we read from our "straw" in the manger the acts of service we rendered and received. We sang Away in a Manger and Hunter offered a prayer. We headed downstairs and this is what it looked like:

It was smelly and obviously difficult to see. Not quite the magical touch RJ was going for.

The kids went through their stockings then we ate breakfast (french toast with homemade bread, berries, turkey sausage links and fresh OJ). Hunter and McKenna didn't have much of an appetite. They were too excited about presents.

Before anyone opened anything, Hunter wanted us to open something he made us at school. He was really excited about it and had a hard time waiting til Christmas morning. He made an adorable sock snowman. Thanks Hunter!

Reagan finally joined us and got in on the action. Santa brought her a ball popper.

Grandma and Grandpa Reeve gave her a colorful, musical phone.

Hunter got a bike, helmet and panda pillow pet.

Santa brought McKenna baby gear (pay 'n play, bouncer, stroller, diaper bag, an ineractive mat, and of course another baby with clothes). She received a unicorn pillow pet as well. RJ and I bought her these matching baby and me outfits.

For Christmas, RJ and I decided to take our $100 and buy clothes for our cruise. We bought our own stuff, kept them in boxes then laid them out on Christmas Eve. RJ's only surprise was his stocking and this picture I made out of water colors. It is a forget me not with President Uchtdorf's five things we should not forget- to be patient with ourselves, the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice, to be happy now, the "why" of the gospel, and that the Lord loves you.

The only thing I asked for was a light to clip on my book to read at night so as not to keep RJ up. He surprised me and made me another date list for the year 2012! I am so excited. I love this gift so much. Here's what we'll be doing in the coming months- Timberwolves game against the Kings (who have newly acquired Jimmer Fredette), a snowshoe trek in the moonlight along trails lit by candlelight, a road trip to Iowa for the Big 10 Gymnastics Championship, a World War II lecture about Secial Ops Units that parachuted behind enemy lines to support partisans in France during the Normany invasion, the Weisman Art Museum, a walk and picnic at Minnehaha park, golfing at Sundance, Comedy Sportz, Bye Bye Birdie at the Chanhassen dinner theatre, a cooking class, a Chilly Dogs Sledding trip, and last but not least, a play at the Orpheum.

Steve and Kathryn bought us a fun Dr. Suess game. RJ and McKenna played while I made dinner.

We bought McKenna some dress-ups which she wore all day. She also loved coloring in this sticker/activity book from Grandma and Grandpa Reeve.

Hunter got this hoop for his birthday and it kept him busy for a while.
We went to church and had a really nice sacrament meeting with some beautiful musical numbers.

Matt and Beth gave us a great game called 10 days in Europe. RJ and I played a few times Christmas night.
We really are spoiled. We received so many great things and are so grateful for all of them. We are especially grateful to have celebrated the birth of Christ and for the knowlege that we have of him.