In keeping with tradition, we went to Granma/pa Morrison's for Easter/conference. We really looked forward to watching conference and enjoying Easter festivities with the kiddies. Grandma and I helped the kids color eggs on Saturday. We made a mess but they had fun. Unfortunately, I had to crack the eggs the next day to make deviled eggs. Hunter wanted everyone to thank him for making the eggs (even though his portion of the creation was in the garbage).

The back of the box showed 6 colors. I guess that was only after mixing because there were only 3 tablets in the box. Thankfully the kids didn't know that they got ripped off!

Note* Don't use a styrofoam cup when coloring eggs. The shape of them makes it near impossible to get the stupid eggs out! How many adults does it take to scoop a colored egg out of a cup? Answer: At least 2 (in our case).

Hunter making a dual colored egg

Proud artists

The finished product

Group hug

Grandma sandwich
We did and Easter egg hunt Sunday morning. We hid 18 plastic eggs and an Easter basket for the kids. We told Hunter that his basket was blue, Mckenna's was pink and not to take each other's basket. McKenna was so cute. She found a blue egg and assuming it was Hunter's said, "here buddy." Hunter on the other hand would shake the egg and if it had candy, he would keep it but if it sounded like it was just a sticker, traded it to McKenna for a candy filled egg.

There was also a special pink bag from Grandma/pa with an Easter dress inside.

I was with Grandma when she picked it out. There were pretty pastel colored dresses but I said, "this one is fun and loud just like Mickey."

Hunter refused to wear any of the pants I packed for him (except for the Nike ones Grandma/pa gave him for Christmas). Grandma/pa bought him another Nike outfit to keep the boy sanitary.

Hunter with his Easter basket

McKenna's Easter basket

Grandpa loves Zoe! I don't know if he was more excited about bathing her or inviting McKenna to help. McKenna and Zoe have so much in common we discovered this weekend. No wonder McKenna is so mesmerized by her!