Boy do I love Halloween! I think I have the sweetest tooth of all the teeth out there. RJ and I always require a heavy tax at the hands of Hunter and McKenna.
McKenna had a cough and suffy nose so I went to Target to get her medicine. At the checkout, I had to not only show my ID but pull it all the way out of it's too tight pocket. I shook my head and said, "she's just sick, I promise." Little did I know how addictive grape "drink" can be!
After much laboring to get McKenna to take a nap, she was quiet and all was well...until RJ went into the bathroom and found the bottle of medicine empty! Exactly how much she drank, we don't know. Thankfully, there was some spilled on the counter and floor. RJ called poison control and after talking for a while, they said she should be fine. Two of the medicines might make her tired. The third might make her wired. We knew, with our luck, which one McKenna would draw- wired! They also warned that she might get glossy eyes and trip or stagger. Thanks to a blessing from RJ, she was spared the danger of her "inquisitive nature." It truly was a scary Halloween.
We had some friends over for a potluck then got ready for the good stuff.

Chuck and Theresa stuck around for the eveing. They have a tradition of wearing wigs when they take the girls trick-or-treating.

Kistena was a horse (a costume made by her mom and dad). Hunter was the blue power ranger (of course). McKenna was a carebear because it was the warmest thing that would fit her at the consignment shop. It's nice when I can still choose what they are going to be. Kayla was a black cat.

Kaleigh (Hunter's friend and a girl I babysit) has been converted to power ranger-ism. I felt bad for her parents, they had to order her suit!

Ironically, Olivia (Kaleigh's little sister) was also a carebear!

After trick-or-treating, we put the kids down and Chuck and Theresa made caramel, chocolate covered apples.

What a mess!
They were good though. We watched a scary movie after that.